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Criminal justice Matters: Seeing Rape |
Event Description:
Criminal Justice Matters Oct 3 Air Date on CUNY TV
Sexual violence is one of today’s hot-button issues, but all too often the word “rape” is uttered in whispered tones. John Jay College is hoping to bring the subject out of the shadows with the country’s first college-level course examining how rape is addressed in our media-heavy culture. Criminal Justice Matters host Stephen Handelman discusses the course, which ends with an evening of student-led theater called “Seeing Rape,” with Professors Shonna Trinch and Barbara Cassidy. Guests also include two of the student playwrights, Marell Ellis and Anna Giannicchi, who are part of the Sexual Justice program—soon to launch across NYC with high-school and college students to raise awareness on how to have healthy, safe relationships.
View SEEING RAPE: Student Playwrights Address the Taboo
Airdates on CUNY TV:
Tuesday, Oct. 3 - 9:30pm
Wednesday, Oct. 4 - 10:30am, 3:30pm
Saturday, Oct. 7 - 7:30am
Sunday, Oct. 8 - 6:30pm |
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