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Prospects for Privacy in the Age of Artificial Intelligence |
Start Date: | 2/13/2020 | Start Time: | 6:00 PM |
End Date: | 2/13/2020 | End Time: | 8:00 PM |
Event Description:
Prospects for Privacy in the Age of Artificial Intelligence
Thursday February 13, 2020
Main Auditorium, NB, L.63
Do you know what your AI apps are doing?
Applications of Artificial Intelligence (“AI”) are changing how we live, work and communicate.
Please join the Institute for Criminal Justice Ethics, the Department of Philosophy, the Center for International Human Rights and the Center for Cybercrime Studies at John Jay College for a series of discussions to explore the current and potential implications of the development of AI.
DR. HELEN NISSENBAUM, Professor of Information Science at Cornell Tech, and Director of the Digital Life Initiative, presents “contextual integrity” as a contemporary understanding of privacy. According to the theory of “contextual integrity,” privacy is defined as a level of information flow appropriate in the context; the norms that determine what is appropriate in each sphere depend on human activity, social values, and the goals of participants.
With remarks by DR. DOUGLAS SALANE, Chairman of Mathematics and Computer Science and Director of the Center for Cybercrime Studies, John Jay College.
The reach and resonance of the manifestations of artificial intelligence call for a multidisciplinary approach.
We invite all members of the John Jay community to engage with us in these discussions.
Friday Seminars to explore AI Applications & Values
Each Thursday evening lecture/discussion will be followed on the next day, Friday, with a midday seminar and lunch at John Jay College.
RSVP to Maggie Smith at msmith@jjay.cuny.edu or mlsjjc@gmail.com
if you are also interested in attending one or more of the Friday seminars |
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